Have you ever wanted to read the Five Books of Moses (known as the Torah) in its original ancient Hebrew? With the following resources you can learn the basics of Biblical Hebrew for free. Each resource serves different styles of learning. So, make sure you figure out your ideal learning style before starting.
What are the Best Resources to Learn Biblical Hebrew Online for Free?
- Animated Hebrew– This site has many great free resources to learn the basics of ancient Hebrew. There are recorded lectures, charts, flashcards, and more. It’s definitely worth a visit.
- Bibilical Hebrew Study Guide– As the name suggests, this site is chock full of great free resources you can use to learn Biblical Hebrew.
- Torahmates.org– Free Jewish learning with a mentor; includes learning Biblical Hebrew
- Eteacher Biblical– Watch 30 short videos that go over the basics of Biblical Hebrew courtesy of the eTeacher Group.
- Ancient Hebrew Resource Center– Learn to read Hebrew inside the chumash with this site’s series of 17 Biblical Hebrew lessons.
- Thinking Torah– Free Guide to Learning Chumash with Rashi (Subscription required)
- Torahschool– A series of free tutorials and other learning aids to learn to read chumash with Rashi
- Biblical Hebrew Word List – Available on eHebrew.net, this list contains over 300 of the most frequent words found within the Hebrew Bible with both English translation and transliteration. There is also a free pdf version of the list that you can download.
Ancient Hebrew Texts and Cantilation Aides Online
- Navigating the Bible – The Biblical Hebrew of the Torah (Old Testament) is sung. Study the ancient Hebrew in each portion, and hear a recording of the melodies.
- The Full Hebrew-English Tenach online
- The whole Tenach online with nikudot (vowels)
I’m keeping this list of ancient Hebrew resources updated. If you have a free resource to add, let us know in the comments below.

I really would like to learn biblical Hebrew language!!!
I wish to study ancient classical Hebrew as found in The Bible. Do you know of any live video chats with teachers? Please pray for me in this endeavor. Shalom! And Shabbat Shalom! God bless you!
drbarrick.org offers Biblical Hebrew class. The lessons are found on youtube
but the textbook and workbook are found on his site
Is there a reason we cannot copy this website?
In 2004, was wounded from a IED attack in 2004. One a puncturing head wound on the left side of my head as well as shrapnel in my eye. For most right handed people, language functions are on the left side of the head. Needless to say, Traumatic Brain Injury has done a lot to me. I really don’t ever complain about this but share as a matter of explanation why I do the things that I do.
Couple of things, first, am more visual learner. Ease of access is important to me. I do try to bookmark websites but since 2004, think have went to my bookmarks 15-20 times in eighteen years.
What works for me, copying the contents of one page of a website and then paste it on MS One Note. That just seems the easiest way to “bookmark” the sites I want to refer to again. That means select all, copy, and then paste. It is not if I was copying something that one would have to purchase when the site is on the web and available to anyone and everyone.
Thanks for making this site, it is a valuable one.
I want to start learning biblical hebrew for free immediately. Thanks.