Below is an up-to-date list of over 50 quality free Hebrew resources for learning Modern and Biblical Hebrew. If you are self-motivated, and you want to learn to speak, read, and write Hebrew at an intermediate level, then you can seriously use these tools, tutorials, and study aides to get there. Many of these free Hebrew resources also have audio elements that allow you to hear the proper pronunciation.
If you know of any other free online resources to learn Hebrew that are not mentioned here, let us know at ehebrewnet1[at]gmail[dot]com.
Free Online Tutorials and Software
Free Online Study Aides
Learn the Hebrew Alphabet
Quick References for Basic Hebrew
Hebrew-English Online Dictionaries & Translation
Virtual Hebrew Keyboards
Free Hebrew Fonts for Download
Miscellaneous Free Hebrew Resources
Learn Biblical Hebrew Online for Free
Hebrew Resource List
Free Online Tutorials and Software to Learn Hebrew |
The following is a collection of the best sites offering a free Hebrew tutorial:
HebewPod101– HebrewPod101 is a full online Hebrew course designed to help people learn how to read, understand, and write Hebrew. It has many free lessons, audio tracks, video, as well as a community forum.
Byki Hebrew Learning Software– Byki has a free basic version of its language learning software. It uses an interactive, multimedia approach to learning the most important Hebrew words and phrases.
Duolingo– This platform offers a free, easy-to-use, and fun Hebrew Course with practice sessions. Instead of getting grammar rules or vocabulary lists, you jump right into using the language. You’ll start by taking an assessment test, and the program will adjust as you progress. There’s also an app you can use to learn Hebrew on the go. I’ve personally used this site, and I highly recommend it.
Hebrew Learning at the University of Texas– Online Hebrew tutorial from the University of Texas, offering a series of videos, text, and lessons to improve reading and comprehension.
Foundation Stone Online Hebrew Tutorial– This free online Hebrew course from Foundation Stone offers 17 lessons that will give you a complete beginning overview of both modern and Biblical Hebrew. There is also a software program you can download to use with the tutorial. (The link is a PDF document. For revisions, see this page)
Learn Hebrew Easily– A nice combination of visual and audio based Hebrew lessons
Hebrew Tutorial– This site has 16 lessons that cover basic Hebrew grammar
FSI Hebrew Language Course– Complete Hebrew Course from the Foreign Service Institute with audio. The Hebrew is a bit dated, and the text is hard to read, but the course is done well. (Update: the site is no longer up) Here at, we’ve updated and reformatted the first 10 chapters of this course. You can find them here.
Free Hebrew Language Learning and Study Aides Online |
Each of these sites offer an assortment of quality free Hebrew study tools:
Learn Hebrew Phrases with Audio– this is an excellent site for those looking to get conversational Hebrew- especially if you are just moving to Israel or traveling. It has an impressive collection of Hebrew phrases with audio and translation as well as a collection of Hebrew Language Videos with transliteration and translation and 152 Hebrew Study Sheets with all the phrases used on the site.
My Hebrew English Dictionary– Hebrew words and phrases divided into categories with pronunciation.
Hebrew verbs– Learn Hebrew verbs by root, tense, gender, singular vs plural
Hebrew @ Stanford Multimedia– Here you’ll find a nice collection of audio and video clips in Hebrew and some other helpful study guides.
Kaye College of Education– A large collection of learning Hebrew resources, such as vocabulary worksheets and easy childrens’ books available online (Note: this page is in Hebrew)
Slowed down audio files– Improve your Hebrew listening skills and comprehension with these audio files of native Israeli Hebrew speakers that have been slowed down while retaining the speakers’ normal voice.- Foundation Stone
Gloss– A collection of short audio and texts with quick lessons designed to improve comprehension.
Hebrew math vocabulary– A dictionary of common mathematical terms– Free English/Hebrew flashcards organized by topic
Your Daily Dose of Hebrew– A daily dose of Hebrew words and phrases with clear explanations.
Hebrew University– First steps video courses for very basic Hebrew
Learn Hebrew Phrases– A collection of word lists with audio and transliteration by categories– Hebrew Idioms and phrases with detailed explanations
Dah Bear– Create your own Hebrew vocabulary list with flashcards and games– This site is actually for Hebrew educators, but it has a large assortment of free Hebrew learning aids that are great for those wanting to learn the language as well.
A collection short texts in Easy Hebrew
Learn the Hebrew Alphabet Online for Free |
Learn all you ever wanted to know about the Hebrew Aleph Bet:
Jewishwebsight– Learn about the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet
Hebrew Alef-Bet– Printable Hebrew letter charts which include the Hebrew letters in three formats: block, script, and Rashi.
Torah Tots– Learn about the Hebrew Alephbet. For audio, go here.
Judaism 101– A very good rundown of the Hebrew Alephbet– A quirky, but fun way to learn the Hebrew Aleph Bet– This site shows you how to write the Aleph Bet.
Quick References for Basic Hebrew |
Traveling to Israel and just want to learn Hebrew phrases so you can get around? The following sites offer an assortment of common Hebrew phrases and idioms:– A collection of basic phrases as well as a review of Hebrew vowels and numbers– Over 300 common Hebrew Phrases with easy transliteration
Learn Hebrew Signs– A visual collection of Israeli street signs and other notices with English translation
Hebrew phrases for travelers– A quick, printable list of basic Hebrew phrases
Hebrew-English Online Dictionaries and Translation |
Need to translate a Hebrew text to English? Check out these free online dictionaries and translation tools:
Babylon Translation and Hebrew-English Dictionary
Virtual Hebrew Keyboards |
MagicTyper– Type a text in Hebrew with this virtual keyboard
Gate2Home– Another Hebrew virtual keyboard– Send emails in Hebrew
Free Hebrew Fonts for Download |
Gallery of Hebrew Fonts– Unicode Hebrew fonts
Free Fonts for Download– Over 30 free Hebrew Fonts to choose from
Hebrew Fonts from
Many Hebrew Fonts at
Several beautiful Hebrew fonts that are free to download
Free Hebrew Fonts from Zooloo
Miscellaneous Free Hebrew Resources |– An active language learning forum with several Hebrew threads and resources
Hebrew Books Online– Classical Hebrew Books for Free Download
Learn Biblical Hebrew Online for Free |
Learn Biblical Hebrew online with a free Biblical Hebrew tutorial. You can find some great resources on the following sites:– Free Jewish learning with a mentor; includes learning Biblical Hebrew
Israel Institute of Biblical Studies– This for pay program offers 30 short videos for free that go over the basics of Biblical Hebrew
Thinking Torah– Free Guide to Learning Chumash with Rashi (Subscription required)– A collection of free workbooks on sefer Bereshit
Torahschool– A series of free tutorials and other learning aids to learn to read chumash with Rashi
Torah Texts and cantilation aides online:
The whole Tenach online with nikudot
The link for the FSI Hebrew course does not work.
The site seems to have gone off-line. Thanks for letting me know.
Thanks for the excellent resources. Do you have any free hebrew bible source
Try this link: also has great resources for kids.
It could be a helpful link to post for your visitors.