Basic Course |
Hebrew |
Unit 10 |
10.1 Wandering Through Tel Aviv (Concluded)
After |
A-cha-rai she- |
אחרי ש |
you finish the ice cream | tig-mor et ha-glee-da |
תגמור את הגלידה |
continue straight |
tam-shich ya-shar |
תמשיך ישר |
towards the sea shore. | le-ki-vin ha-yam. |
לכיוון הים |
after, behind |
ach-a-rai |
אחרי |
you will finish |
ti-mor (m.s.) |
תגמור |
Mr. Williams
Yes |
Ken |
כן |
When you get |
K’sheh-ta-gee-a |
כשתגיע |
to HaYarkon Street | le-re-chov ha-yar-kon |
לרחוב הירקון |
turn right | tif-neh ye-meen-a |
תפנה ימינה |
and go straight | ve-te-lech ya-shar |
ותלך ישר |
to Mendele street. | ad re-chov men-del-ee |
עד רחוב מנדלי |
when (conjunction) |
k’sheh- |
כש |
you will arrive |
ta-gee-a (m.s.) |
תגיע |
Mr. Williams
This is to say, |
Zot o-mer-et sheh- |
זאת אומרת ש |
the tourist office |
mis-rad ha-tie-ar-ut |
משרדד התיירות |
is located on HaYarkon Street. |
nim-tza be-re-chov ha-yar-kon |
נמצא ברחוב הירקון |
at the corner of Mendele? |
peen-at men-del-ee? |
?פינת מנדלי |
Not exactly |
Lo be-dee-yook |
לא בדיוק |
on the corner. |
ba-pee-na |
בפינה |
Turn right there | Sham tif-neh ye-mee-na |
שם תפנה ימינה |
and go on to the | ve-te-lech ad |
ותלך עד |
tourist office. | mis-rad ha-tie-a-rut. |
משרד התיירות |
exactly |
be-dee-yook |
בדיוק |
Mr. Williams
Is it possible |
Ef-shar |
אפשר |
to go by way of |
la-le-chet de-rech |
ללכת דרך |
Ben Yehuda Street? |
re-chov ben Yehuda? |
?רחוב בן–יהודה |
possible |
ef-shar |
אפשר |
to go |
la-le-chet |
ללכת |
way, path, through |
de-rech (f) |
דרך |
Yes of course |
Ken. Be-ve-deye |
כן. בודאי |
definitely |
Be-ve-deye |
בודאי |
Mr. Williams
Thank you |
To-dah ra-bah le-cha. |
תודה רבה לך |
Sir. Goodbye. |
A-don-ee. Sha-lom |
אדוני. שלום |
It was nothing. |
Al lo da-var. |
אל לא דבר |
Goodbye and good luck. | Sha-lom oo-vra-cha. |
שלום וברכה |
blessing |
bra-cha (f) |
ברכה |
10.2 Wandering Through Tel Aviv (Between Women, Concluded)
After |
A-cha-rai sheh- |
אחררי ש |
you finish the ice cream | tig-me-ree et ha-glee-da |
תגמרי את הגלידה |
continue straight |
tam-shi-chee ya-shar |
תמשיכי ישר |
towards the sea shore. | le-ki-vun ha-yam. |
לכיוון הים |
Mrs Williams
Yes- |
Ken- |
כן |
When you get |
Ksheh-ta-gee-ee |
כשתגיעי |
to HaYarkon Street | le-re-chov ha-yar-kon |
לרחוב הירקון |
turn right | tif-nee ye-meen-a |
תפני ימינה |
and go straight | ve-tel-chee ya-shar |
ותלכי ישר |
to Mendele street. | ad re-chov men-del-ee. |
עד רחוב מנדלי |
Mrs Williams
This is to say, |
Zot om-er-et sheh- |
זאת אומרת ש |
the tourist office |
mis-rad ha-tie-ar-ut |
משרדד בתיירות |
is located on HaYarkon Street. |
nim-tza be-re-chov ha-yar-kon |
נמצא ברחוב הירקון |
at the corner of Mendele? |
pee-nat Men-del-ee? |
?פינת מנדלי |
Not exactly |
Lo be-dee-uk |
לא בדיוק |
on the corner. |
ba-pee-na |
בפינה |
Turn right there | Sham tif-nee ye-mee-na |
שם תפני ימינה |
and go on to the | ve-te-lech-ee ad |
ותלכי עד |
tourist office. | mis-rad ha-tie-a-rut. |
משרד התיירות |
Mrs Williams
Is it possible |
Ef-shar |
אפשר |
to go by way of |
la-lech-et de-rech |
ללכת דרך |
Ben Yehuda Street? |
re-chov ben Yehuda? |
?רחוב בן–יהודה |
Yes of course |
Ken. Be-ve-deye |
כן. בודאי |
definitely |
Be-ve-deye |
בודאי |
Mrs Williams
Thank you. |
To-dah ra-bah lach. |
תודה רבה לך |
Sir. goodbye. |
gvir-tee. Sha-lom |
גהרתי. שלום |
It was nothing. |
Al lo da-var. |
אל לא דבר |
Goodbye and good luck. | Sha-lom oo-vra-cha. |
שלום וברכה |
10.3 Vocabulary Drills
A variation of the stark and gentle imperative is the pattern of ‘tag-ee-a’. In this pattern the masculine singular ends in ‘-ee-a’.
tag-ee-a (m.s.) |
tag-ee-ee (f.s.) |
tag-ee-oo (pl.) |
A. Substitution-Agreement Drill – Use the underlined words as cues.
When you get to the intersection turn left.
Ksheh-tag-ee-a la-hitz-tal-vut tif-neh smo-la. |
כשתגיע להצטלבות תפנה שמולה |
Ksheh-tag-ee-oo la-hitz-tal-vut tif-noo smo-la. |
כשתגיו להצטלבות תפנו שמולה |
Ksheh-tag-ee-ee la-hitz-tal-vut tif-nee smo-la. |
כשתגיעי להצטלבות תפני שמולה |
Grammar Notes
10.4 The Relative Conjunction for ‘she-‘
(a) Whenever an equational sentence, or a declarative sentence containing a verb, is included within another sentence, but not as a direct quotation, then it is preceded by the conjunction ‘sheh-’
1. Ha-beye-it gad-ol ve-yaf-eh.Sha-ma-tee sheh-ha-veye-it gad-ol ve-yaf-eh. | The house is big and beautifulI heard that the house is big and beautiful |
2. Ar-tze-noo mo-tzet chen be-ai-ne-cha.Anee me-ka-veh sheh-ar-tze-noo mo-tzet chen be-ai-ne-cha. | You like our countryI hope (that) you like our country |
Note that although the conjunction ‘that’ is optional in English the conjunction ‘sheh-’ is required in Hebrew.
(b) ‘sheh-’ is used when prepositions precede such included sentences:
3. Ba-ta kahn. lif-nai sheh-ba-ta kahn |
You came herebefore you came here |
4. Tig-mor et ha-glee-da.Ach-a-rai sheh-tig-more et ha-glee-da. | You will finish the ice creamAfter you finish the ice cream |
The conjunction ‘ksheh’ is a conjunction of the prefixed preposition ‘ke-’ ‘as’ and ‘sheh-’.
5. Tag-ee-a le-re-chov ha-Yar-kon.Ksheh-tag-ee-a le-re-chov ha-Yar-kon. | You will get to HaYarkon Street.When you get to HaYarkon Street. |
(c) When the included sentences is a question beginning with an interrogative, the ‘sheh-’ is optional but after the interrogative.
6. Effoh Brooklyn Bar?At-ah yo-deh-a effo sheh-Brooklyn Bar [or]At-ah yo-deh-a effo Brooklyn Bar. | Where is the Brooklyn Bar? Do you know where the Brooklyn Bar is? |
7. Effo at-ah nim-tza?At-ah lo yo-deh-a effo at-ah nim-tza? | Where are you located? You don’t know where you are? |
(d) A sentence with an included sentence may in turn include in a still larger sentence.
8. Ba-ta kahn. La-ma-de-ta Ivrit lif-nai sheh-ba-ta kahn. |
You came here.You studied Hebrew before you came here. |
9. Tov meh-od as-ee-ta- sheh-la-ma-de-ta Ivrit lif-nai-Sheh-ba-ta kahn. | You did well to study Hebrew before you came here. |
(This conjunction is always written in Hebrew as a prefix to the following words:
as-ee-ta עשית
sheh-as-ee-ta שעשיתה
la-ma-de-ta למדת
sheh-la-ma-deta שלמדת
ba-ta באת
sheh-ba-ta שבאת
The following drills are expansion drills. You are turning a short sentence into a larger sentence in which the shorter sentence is included.
Example short sentence – You will finish the ice cream.
Example expanded sentence – I want you to finish the ice cream
(A more literal translation would be ‘I want that you should finish the ice cream’ but this is of course awkward English.)
Short Sentences
1. Mar Williams gar be-Ra-mat Gan. |
מר וויליאמס גר ברמת גן |
2. Eesh-to me-da-ber-et Ivrit. |
אשתו מדברת עברית |
3. Miriam nim-tzet be-Tel Aviv. |
מרים נמצאת בתל אביב |
4. La-ma-de-ta be-vet Ha-seffer le-saf-ot. |
למדת בבית הספר לשפות |
5. Ha-shag-ree-rot nim-tzet al yad mal-on Dan. |
השגרירות נמצאת על יד מלון דן |
6. Ha-bin-yan cha-dish. |
הבנין חדיש |
7. Ha-ar-etz yaf-ah meh-od. |
הארץ יפה מאוד |
Expanded Sentence Beginnings
A. An-ee cho-shev sheh- |
אני חושב ש |
B. An-ee me-ka-veh sheh- |
אני מקווה ש |
C. Hoo roh-eh sheh- |
הוא רואה ש |
D. Sha-ma-tee sheh- |
שמעתי ש |
E. Ra-ee-tee sheh- |
ראיתי ש |
Short Sentences
8. La-ma-de-ta Ivrit. |
למדת עברית |
9. Sha-ma-ta mi-Mar- Kaspi. |
שמעת ממר כספי |
10. Ra-ee-noo et ha-beye-it sheh-lo. |
ראינו את הבית שלו |
11. Na-ta-tee le-Miriam et ha-sfa-rim. |
נתתי למרים את הספרים |
Expanded Sentence beginnings
F. Hi-ga-ta la-a-retz lif-nai she- |
הגעת לארץ לפני ש |
G.hi-ga-ta la-a-retz ach-a-rai she- |
הגעת הנה אחרי ש |
Short Sentences
12. Na-tata lo et ha-se-fer. |
נתת לו את הספר |
13. Ra-ee-ta et ha-mis-rad. |
ראית את המשרד |
14. Hi-ga-ta la-mal-on |
הגעת למלון |
Expanded Sentence beginnings
H. Ma am-ar-ta lo kshe- |
מה אמרת לו כש |
I. Ma am-ar-ta kshe- |
מה עשית כש |
10.5 Adjectives used to modify Verbs
(a) The masculine singular form of adjectives is used to modify verbs.
1. Lech ya-shar be-re-chov Allenby. | Go straight on Allenby Street. |
2. At me-da-ber-et yaf-eh meh-od. | You speak Hebrew nicely. |
3. Tov a-see-ta sheh-la-ma-de-ta Ivrit. | You did well to study Hebrew. |
The following synonymous sentences illustrate the use of an adjective to modify a noun or verb.
4. At-ah me-da-ber Ivrit yaf-ah meh-od. | You speak a beautiful Hebrew. |
5. At-ah me-da-ber Ivrit yaf-eh meh-od. | You speak Hebrew very nicely. |
(b) When there is no noun antecedent in the context the masculine singular form of the adjective is used.
6. Kvar me-oo-char. | It’s late already |
7. Na-im lee meh-od le-ha-keer ot-cha. |
I am very pleased to meet you |
Although the English translations have pronoun antecedents for ‘late’ and ‘pleased’ the Hebrew does not. In sentence 7 the form is ‘na-im’ even when a woman is speaking. See Section 2.2.
Review Conversations
A |
A-cha-rai sheh-tig-mor le-e-chol et ha-glee-da te-lech le-mis-rad ha-tie-a-rut. |
אחרי שתגמור לאכול את הגלידה תלך למשרד התיירות |
א |
B |
Lo. La-sha-gree-rot ha-Ameri-kai-it. |
לא. לשגרירות האמריקאית |
ב |
A |
Az tam-shich le-ki-vin sfat ha-yam. |
אז תמשיך לכיוון שפת הים |
א |
B |
Ken. An-ee yo-deh-a. |
כן. אני יודע |
ב |
C |
Effoh nim-tza mis-rad ha-tie-a-rut? |
?איפה נמצא משרד התיירות |
ג |
D |
Kan. ba-pee-na ha-ri-shon-a. |
כאן. בפינה הראשונה |
ד |
C |
Be-re-chov Ben Ye-hoo-da? |
?ברחוב בן יהודה |
ג |
D |
Lo. Be-re-chov Men-de-lee. |
לא. ברחוב מנדלי |
ד |
E |
At-ah me-daber Ivrit ya-feh meh-od. |
אתה מדבר עברית יפה מאוד |
ה |
F |
To-dah rab-ah. |
תודה רבה |
ו |
E |
Ha-im la-ma-de-ta Ivrit lifnai sheh-ba-ta heh-na? |
האם למדת עברית לפני שבאת הנה |
ה |
F |
Lo. Le-ma-de-ta Ivrit a-cha-rai sheh-hi-ga-tee le-kan. |
לא. למדתי עברית אחרי שהגעתי לכאן |
ו |
E |
Ma-tai hi-ga-ta? |
?מתי הגעת |
ה |
F |
Lif-nai chod-shie-im. |
לפני חודשיים |
ו |
E |
Ve-at-ah me-da-ber kvar kmo yisrael-ee. An-ee cho-shev she-zeh tov meh-od. |
ואתה מדבר כבר במו ישראלי. אני חושב שזה טוב מאוד |
ה |
G |
Ra-ee-ta et ha-bin-yan ha-cha-da-sha shel mis-rad ha-tei-a-rut? |
?ראית את הבנין החדש של משרד התיירות |
ז |
H |
Lo. Aval Sha-ma-tee sheh-hoo cha-dish meh-od. |
לא. אבל שמעתי שהוא חדיש מאוד |
ח |
G |
Ken. Cha-dish ve-ga-dol. Hoo meh-od mo-tzeh chen be-ai-neye. |
כן. חדיש וגדול. הוא מאוד מוצא חן בעיני |
ז |
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