One of the biggest things that will help you get integrated into Israeli culture and enter conversations is to learn how to speak the kind of everyday “street” Hebrew that Israelis speak. The majority of Hebrew slang words and expressions consist mainly of a mixture of Yiddish, Arabic and English. Obviously, slang is more prevalent among teenagers and young adults, but there are some slang words that date back many years, even decades. A good example of traditional slang in Hebrew is the expression “Ma-nish-ma” which means “What’s up?”
Below is a pretty comprehensive list of the most commonly used Hebrew slang words and phrases with interpretations. I also threw in a few Hebrew slang insults which are good to know since they may come in handy.
Common Hebrew Slang Words
Individual words that have colloquial or street meanings
Eser | Literally “ten” – Means awesome, great |
Pi-tzootz | Literally “explosion” – Means cool, awesome |
Pro-texia | Pull, favoritism, or nepotism |
Combina | Using the system to your advantage; an “under the table” or “off the record” deal |
M’toomtam | Stupid, idiot, moron |
Ci-iloo | Like |
Yesh! | Yes! |
Sa-toom | Stupid |
Leezrom | Go with the flow |
Le-gamrei | Totally |
Magniv | Cool |
Shtu-yot | Nonsense, stupid things |
Debbil | Retard, jerk |
Tembel | Idiot, moron |
Zevel | Garbage |
Mispar | A “character” |
Shovav | Mischief maker |
Sachut | Wiped out |
Sabbon | Litterally “soap”- means sissy |
Cha-le-veye | If only |
Fri’er | Sucker or chump |
Common Slang Phrases in Hebrew
Phrases and figures of speech in Hebrew
Chaval Al HaZman | Literally “a waste of time” – Means awesome, amazing or the litteral meaning depending on the tone and context |
Sof HaDerech | Literally “end of the road” – Means cool, awesome |
Al HaPanim | Literally “on the face” – means awful, bad |
Eh-ze Zevel! | What garbage! |
Le’echol S’ratim | Literally: to “eat movies;” means to love drama |
Chai B’seret | Literally: to “live in a movie;” means to be unrealistic |
Stom ta-peh sh-cha | Shut your mouth |
Ibbed et ha-rosh | Lost his head |
Si-pur ah-cher | A different story |
Kelafim al ha-shulchan | Cards on the table |
Or yarok | Green light |
Jook ba-rosh | Crazy idea |
B’shoom o-fen lo | No way! |
Met alei-ha | Crazy about her |
Nigmar ha-sus | Out of gas |
Ha-zaken sheli | My old man |
Yeled shel imma | Momma’s boy |
Asah galim | Made waves |
Asah par-tzoo-fim | Made faces |
Asah chay-yim | Live it up |
Chay b’seret | Drama king, not realistic |
Ve-od eich! | And how! |
Mah pi-tom?! | Since when?! |
Mi va-mi | Who’s who |
Kor ke-la-vim | Literally “dog cold;” Means freezing cold |
Bilbel et ha-mo’ach | Drove him crazy |
Yarad me-ha-pasim | Lost his mind |
Nafal al ha-rosh | Lost his mind |
Eize balagan | What a mess |
Lakach la-lev | Took to heart |
Lev shel zahav | Heart of gold |
Rosh patu’ach | Open mind |
Lo yode’ah me-ha-chay-yim shelo | He is clueless |
Peh gaddol | Big mouth |
Avodah aravit | Sloppy work |
Mah yeish le-cha? | What’s your problem? |
Sachek otah | Go for it |
Yafeh nefesh | Sensitive person |
Hebrew Slang Based on Arabic
Ahalan | Hi |
Achla | Cool |
Ars | Punk, low-life |
Basa | Bummer |
Jora | Cesspool; dirty mouth |
Kef | Fun |
Ala kefak or ala kef-kefak |
Great, fantastic, really cool |
Habibi | Friend |
Ya habibi | Wow |
Tembel | Dunce |
Mapsut | Pleased, satisfied |
Fashla | Screw up; mess up |
Sababa | Cool, great |
Yalla | Let’s go! |
Hebrew Slang Based on Yiddish
Stam | Nothing special; no reason; just kiddingI |
Ich-seh | Yuck |
Bubeleh; mamma-le | Term of endearment to a female |
Chutzpah | Brash, opinionated |
Shmendrik | Jerk |
Kolboynick | Know-it-all |
Schmoe | Naive, a little stupid |
Drek | Worthless thing |
Schlep | To drag something heavy or to go somewhere with great effort or reluctantly |
Yutzi | Stupid |
Shiksa | Non-Jewish Female; used as insult |
Shai-getz | Non-Jewish Male; use as insult |
Mensch | Good person |
Meschugena | Crazy woman |
Meschugener | Crazy man |
Klip | Talkative woman |
My wife used to say when eating something healthy or good for the digestion that it was “good for your ‘muggen’”.
It’s probably a Yiddish phrase for brain.